J'mhazi Tia
Warrior of Light, Former Azure Dragoon, Fierce Protector
The Story so far..
Who is J'mhazi Tia?

◍ A reserved man of particular tastes, drawn to strength, warmth and charm ◍◍ About:
- Age: 30
- Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
- Orientation: Bisexual, but with a heavy masc lean
- Height: 5'2''◍ Thing of Note:
- He is honest, passionate, observant and idealistic, but impatient, flighty, stubborn and quick to anger.
- He has prominent scarring on his hands, a large scar on his chest from his left shoulder to right hip, a burn on his lower back, two small scars on his face from childhood.
- He suffers from the occasional chronic headache due to the Echo, and bouts of chronic pain.- A J Tribe Seeker of the Sun, he left home on the cusp of adulthood and hasn't looked back.
- While he was born under the watchful eye of Nophica during the 6th Astral Moon, his patron Deity is Azeyma, the Warden, favored of most Seekers (though he isn't observant of either).
- The name 'Mhazi' is reserved for close friends, family and loved ones, only.
◍ Trying to get a word out of him can be challenging, but get him talking and you might find a fast friend.
◍ Has a particular distaste for the patrilineal leanings of Seeker tribes and he doesn't speak of his family or life with the J tribe. Would you bring it up?
◍ J’mhazi has a fear of drowning that has somewhat subsided, but it comes up on occasion. He does fish on occasion, however.
◍ You find he spent a long time in Ishgard, mostly for training purposes, but finds he can't bring himself to return for long periods of time.
◍ A good fight? An interesting hunt mark? A rumored treasure in the area? You're likely to pique his interest.
◍ J'mhazi spent time in Ilsabard with the Bozjan Resistance aiding in the push against the IVth Imperial Legion, and plans to return finding himself well suited to the frenzy of the battlefield.
◍ He likes to remain active and engaged so if there is an activity that you enjoy, he'll try just about anything once.
◍ J'mhazi is not suited to overly sweet or frivolous interactions, and is best paired with someone who can match or challenge his intensity.
◍ He Likes:
- Sleeping in
- Being of use
- Tall & domineering men
- Affectionate teasing
- A good spar
- Savory foods◍ He Dislikes:
- Being manipulated, or lied to
- Letting people down
- Rigid expectations
- Being forced to talk about how he feels
- Assumptions made about him or his relationships
- Taking the lead
- Leafy greens
- Large open bodies of water
Ala Ghiri + New Beginnings

◍ Born near Ala Ghiri to J'tisar Nuhn and J'mohra, he bristled under the patrilineal tribal structure and its expectations of him, and never got along with his father or mother. Managing to skirt around the worst the Garlean occupation had to offer while growing up, he left Seeker life behind when it became apparent that the only option truly open to him was bound up in challenging his father for the opportunity to succeed him. His mother supported the idea so he made the decision to leave, seeing no other option.
◍ The road out of Ala Ghiri was long and arduous, dodging Imperial forces and fending for himself - he eventually made it to the coast and on to Limsa Lominsa where he hooked up with the Marauder's guild to hone his skills in battle and ensure he could meet and match any challenges ahead.
◍ The only news he's received from his tribe in recent years is that his father held his position and that he has a number of half-siblings. His mother reached out; J'mhazi did not respond. She remained in Ala Ghiri despite losing favor with J'tisar.
◍ After the Echo headaches started, he was recruited into the Scion's ranks and became fast friends with Thancred and Minfillia, and developed a cautious respect for the others. While willing to help, he was still bristling at the feeling of being essentially conscripted, but Minfillia's earnestness won him over in the end.
The Dragonsong War
+ The Far East

◍ While training in Coerthas with Alberic, He and Haurchefant grow close while his relationship with Estinien remained strained and tense.
◍ After fleeing Ul'dah with Tataru and Alphinaud and securing passage and safety in Ishgard from Haurchefant's father, J'mhazi found himself listless and angry.
◍ Chance had him stumbling across Fray's body in the Brume and taking on the mantle (burden?) of the Dark Knight, the events surrounding his training unfolding in ways he did not expect. Estinien witnessed the events at Whitebrim fort, mirroring what J'mhazi saw with Estinien at Steel Vigil. Both remain silent about it.
◍ Aymeric proves to be a valuable friend and ally, and affections grow. Tragedy strikes at the Vault and J'mhazi reels in the fallout, afraid that truly feeling for someone spells their doom. Aymeric, Estinien and J'mhazi begin a somewhat ill-advised tryst shortly before Estinien's possession. J'mhazi blames himself entirely for losing Estinien and throws everything he has into getting him back.
◍ The Dragonsong War ends with Estinien returned to them and an uneasy discussion about their future together.
◍ The initial foray into Gyr Abania is rough for all of them; the attack on Rhalgr's Reach left J'mhazi critically injured and J'mhazi had already avoided acknowledging the distance and time he'd been away from Ishgard - it left his relationship with Aymeric strained. Estinien had been shadowing him in Gyr Abania while searching for the Eyes and was there to provide what support he could in his exceedingly clumsy manner.
◍ Suffering his way through his extreme fear of drowning, J'mhazi makes it through The Ruby Sea, the Azim Steppe and eventually and on to Ala Ghiri, where he was raised, bringing up more from his past that he wished to be done with.
◍ Estinien and J'mhazi are briefly reunited in Kugane, and along with Aymeric the trio are once again together for a moment in Ala Mhigo.
The First + On

◍ With Fordola's words heavy on his heart, and her actions and fate on his mind, he pushes on to see the negotiations through.
◍ He's simmering with worry when Thancred falls unconscious at first, unwilling to just accept that there isn't anything they can do. When Y'shtola and Urianger fall as well, he starts to panic.
◍ When 'Shadowhunter' returns with Alphinaud in the same state and reveals himself to be The Black Wolf himself, he's almost blind with rage, but Hien manages to talk both him and Alisae down from causing an incident. They prep for battle at the Ghimlyt.
◍ J'mhazi throws everything he has into the battle and overextends. An absolute terror on the field, they reclaim malms of ground; He loses Alisae to the calling and becomes withdrawn and unreachable.
◍ Esteem consumes a significant portion of his aether as he gives over to them and the Exharch's calling lays him low during his fight with Elidibus, as Zenos. Estinien rescues his unconscious body from the midst of the fight and brings him to Aymeric. When J'mhazi doesn't wake, he's brought back to Ishgard.
◍ Called to the First, he struggles to bridge the gap that the years apart from his friends tore open. He's told he will die, and that the actions here are to reverse it. (He nearly dies anyways).
◍ He can't tell who is lying to him, so he pulls away from everyone and reverts to who he was years ago, hurting Alisae deeply.
◍ The Light poisoning saps his strength, twists his aether, and he nearly stops being able to eat or sleep. Emet-Selch becomes a friend in the strangest series of circumstances. Nearing the end of his ordeal, J'mhazi risks a transport back to the Source, a last time, to say goodbye. It doesn't go well.
◍ He goes off ahead to bargain with Emet-Selch in the Tempest. This also doesn't go well; he remembers Erebus, who remembers Hades. The hollow feeling persists after the Light's banishment and Emet-Selch's defeat.
◍ He and Granson grow close after hunting Dikaiosyne. They vow to free Ardbert from Elidibus to let him rest.
◍ Lured into the Tempest again by Elidibus, the words that are exchanged hurt him deeply and it sticks. Curious information about the Convocation of Fourteen stirs in his memories again.
◍ Unable to see another path, they fight, and Elidibus is sealed away. The Exarch crystalizes, and everyone is brought back to the Source. J'mhazi rests, dogged by dreams of what was or what could have been. Chronic pain and headaches persist after the light poisoning, and it takes a while for him to work back up to the carefree, feverish fighting style he once enjoyed.
Silencing Oblivion

◍ J'mhazi travels between the Shards as needed to assist Ryne and Gaia with Eden and the Empty, promising Thancred to oversee things now that he and Urianger are returning to the Source.
◍ J'mhazi also assists at the Bozjan front, providing combat support and participating in rescue operations as needed. This reveals a couple of things to him - that he isn't recovering from the strain of the Light poisoning, and that he's withdrawing from his companions.
◍ He oversees Alisae's plans to reverse the Tempering, helps as he can. Makes sure the meetings don't sour. When Estinien joins the Scions in an official capacity after Arenvald's injury J'mhazi is calm, for a while.
◍ They travel to Sharlayan all together, and immediately he is uncomfortable. Knows something is wrong but can't prove it.
◍ Through Thavnair, Garlemald... an untenable situation is revealed. Managing to barely avert a crisis and prevent Zenos from killing while in his body, J'mhazi trudges on to the Tower of Babil, then to the Moon. Zodiark, not whole, is summoned and cut down. Numb, J'mhazi returns to Thavnair to disaster.
◍ Leaving the defense of the Star in the hands of the Scions, stubbornly butting up against The Forum in the face of their decision to run, J'mhazi heads to the First, to the Crystal Tower. To Elidibus.
◍ With a shared memory to guide them, Elidibus sends J'mhazi back to find Fandaniel from before. To understand - to witness. He wakes in Elpis as a shade, only barely catching the notice of his new old friend.
◍ Untrusted, cagey with details, J'mhazi does his best to follow and learn, meeting Hermes - the man Emet and Hythlodaeus were there to court for the seat of Fandaniel. Upon meeting Venat, the previous Azem, J'mhazi can no longer hide as her magic marks him. He tells his story, to predictable results. Venat remains to help.
◍ Hermes' familiar Meteion tries her best to protect him from the truth of the question he asked her to answer - that the worlds she visited were plagued with their own strife and misery, and when the dust settled after their final confrontation, J'mhazi and Venat are sent away with the knowledge to carry forward. J'mhazi leaves the past with a heavy heart.
◍ The gambit with the Forum pays off - the supplies from Friends of the Seventh Dawn are procured and they are allowed to meet with the Mothercrystal. After wading through the spirits of the dead, they make their way down to her, and she poses a test of resolve. Defeat her, or flee and never look back.
◍ The ship that would have served as a life raft is repurposed to take them to where Meteion has fled. To the edge of the universe to sing her song. Thancred is lost in the landing, then Estinien. The only thing that keeps him moving after this is the thin thread of their shared connection that still lingers. Urianger and Y'shtola open their way next. Then G'raha. As tense as their friendship is, this is not what J'mhazi wanted.
◍ J'mhazi stalls at the bottom of the path with the twins, the two of them have to urge him onward.
◍ When Alphinaud and Alisae mange to clear the final obstacle with their own lives, it is not him that takes the final steps up the ridges, not alone at any rate. Fray marches them both to the top, and in a last fit of desperation he recalls his friends to his side. Two to bid farewell to, the rest to save.
◍ In a last bid to dissuade them, at the edge of a dying world, Meteion tries to bring them to their end - J'mhazi sends them away - what good is there in heroics if you can't save the ones you love?
◍ As he faces down despair, hope hardly mattering, Zenos makes his appearance. J'mhazi takes the offer and they fight. Like he had before, he calls other heroes to his side, just for a moment, and he thinks maybe it is enough. Wishes of hope and safety from his friends seal Endsinger's fate - she crumbles into the lost little girl that she is.
◍ While what was done cannot be undone, she sings one last song of hope and departs. Zenos, patient hunter wants his turn. The battle is fevered, bloody, almost rabid. There is only one that will walk away from it. Something unseen keeps J'mhazi upright when he is cut down again, and again - he burns through his aether to do it, screaming like an animal until finally, finally, they both still. Zenos meets his end, and someone ensures J'mhazi makes it back to the ship.
◍ Fray frantically tried to keep J'mhazi whole - his wounds from the past have re-opened on his body, he's lost blood, aether, everything. Fading fast. It takes hours and multiple healers to get him stable, at least a day before he wakes. Recovery is slow. He says goodbye to everyone at the Rising Stones and is barely heard from after that.

◍ Alisae: Loves her deeply, like a sister. Would literally die for her. Gremlin of his heart.
◍ Alphinaud: Small bookworm, must protect and bully in same measure.
◍ Count Edmont: A father where he had none. Quick to offer support or a place to stay, or just a quiet room when needed.
◍ Tataru: Trusted friend, confidant, wingman, keeper of secrets.
◍ Minfillia: There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't think about the gift she gave him (a family) and what she's done for all of them. He misses her. Losing her is one of his deep regrets.
◍J'yenvir: They were both young and did not have the words to say how they felt and what they wanted, both trapped in place by the whims of the tribe and ultimately separated.
◍ Thancred: Flirting and bluster that came to a head after the confrontation with the primal Ifrit. Not something either really acknowledges or talks about, and they remain good friends.
◍ Kal: An acquaintance with a mutual attraction. They developed a...transactional relationship when they met in U'ldah until complications (of the emotional sort) turned J'mhazi away.
◍ Anh'zi Vinh: An ex who was more interested in hunting marks than keeping in touch. They still cross paths occasionally and J'mhazi (mostly) manages to keep it together.
◍ Haurchefant: A love story that ends in tragedy. The words were never spoken and it left J'mhazi twisted up.
◍ Aymeric: Though it started at a distance, a small flirtation here and there, it became serious amidst the fallout of Estinien's possession, having lost their shared partner and each blaming themselves for a part of the failure. The separation became too much, and J'mhazi, in his poor judgement, broke things off after the Scions disbanded.
◍ Estinien: A rivalry, turned hatred, turned cautious understanding. They've seen the worst each other has to offer and haven't run away screaming. Joined irrevocably by The Eye, they grew close, and though they remained in denial for a long while... became attached. J'mhazi lost his nerve and did not manage to successfully speak in Thavnair, they have not spoken since the Scions disbanded.
◍ Elidibus: Time has a funny way of making fools of us all. They meet in Pandaemonium: Themis years before what he becomes, J'mhazi long after what he had to do. He hides in Elpis with pain he's carried with him.
◍ Fray: 'For where else could I go? Who else could I love by you?' The spirit of a man dead and gone, but they remain. Why? Could it have been selfish, the need for a body? Perhaps once. Care and understanding brought them into a relationship of sorts, if one could call it that.~
◍ Sidurgu?: The one who Fray loved; they who love you most?
◍ Granson?: A mutual respect, shared trauma.
Classes + Skills
◍ Classes : Dark Knight, Dragoon, Reaper, Scholar, Gunbreaker, Warrior, Summoner.
◍ Under Study: Machinist, Ninja, Dancer.
◍ Crafting: Blacksmithing, Armorsmithing.
◍ Gathering: Fishing, Mining.
◍ Skills: J'mhazi is a protector at heart. Not very tactically minded, he is not afraid of getting messy. He puts himself in harm's way so other people don't have to. The endless combat and violence took it's toll on him and eventually he begged Tataru for help (but swore her to secrecy) so he could get his reading up to a level suitable to get him admission to the Arcanist's guild in Limsa.
◍ The Echo: His Echo allows him to see fragments of the past at the whims of the Mother Crystal. Once he bonded with Fray's soul crystal, and shared the connection with the Eyes of Nidhogg, it intensified and linked his Echo visions to his emotional state. The more familiar he is to a person or a situation (or the more charged his emotions are) the more likely he'll be 'granted' an Echo vision of varying intensity.
◍ Esteem (Fray): Under times of emotional duress, or extreme physical fatigue, J'mhazi will unknowingly call out to Fray, still within him, for help. This manifests in a myriad of ways, but most often his eyes will change to match Fray's gold, and his demeanor changes entirely as Fray fights to protect him.
Other WoLs & Notable Figures

◍ Althena D'Marr: Warrior of Light, Prince of Night, Imperial Nuisance
-(Summoner, All-Rounder)
- Highlander Hyur, 33, 6'2''
- Nameday : 2nd Sun of the First Umbral Moon.
- She is never afraid to offer a quick smile or a helping hand. Often choosing to let her sword do the talking, she is headstrong and quick-tempered but easy to get along with assuming you don't cross her or her friends.
- She has a warm heart and all she really wants to do is see her friends and family happy and safe, and will use her big muscles to ensure that happens.
- Convalescing from her ordeal in the First, she let her hair fade from the pale burnt white to the red she used to cover with ink black. Her eyes will likely remain a washed out silver, forever tainted by the Light poisoning.
- Bonded to Valen D'marr, both members of the Free Company Knights of Valis.

◍ Kal Duskbrought: Sunseeker, Eccentric, Rough Handler
-(White Mage, Summoner, Monk)
- Xaela Au Ra, 27, 7'2''
- Nameday : 10th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon.
- née Ozbeg Kagon, he abandoned his tribe and stepped into the sun, ensuring he could never return home.
- After securing passage out of Reunion at fifteen summers, he spent a few years in the Ruby Sea making his way between the fishing villages, getting into (and out of) trouble with a quick word or his increasingly intimidating stature.
- Very pale and prone to sunburn due to his lack of exposure to sunlight while growing up. Often covers up when out during the day.
- Kugane, Limsa, Gridania, Ul'dah - he was never one to sit still for very long, until finding himself quite comfortable in the Goblet. At least for now.

◍ Dalantai Iriq: Soft Heart, Crybaby
-(Warrior, Reaper)
- Xaela Au Ra, 25, 6'7''
- Nameday : 14th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon.
- Awkward and shy, Dalantai's demeanor is the complete opposite of his furrowed brow and piercing eyes. He never really wanted to fight, but he's here because he has people he wants to help protect! A little bit bumbling, and sometimes frustratingly dim, it's hard not to be patient with him when he smiles.
- An abandoned son of the Borlaaq warriors, he was raised by the fathers of the nomadic Iriq tribe and has no memory of his mother.
- Goes by 'Tai' to friends.
- Member of the Free Company Girlboss & Malewives

◍ Junn Arrete: Bnuuy
- Rava Viera
- Coming soon

◍ Qesti Ire: Bnuuy
- Veena Viera
- Coming soon
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◍ Cara
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◍ Hi! Thank u for taking an interest in my idiot son, and my other kids! I'm very fond of them. Hit me up on social or on Discord. Like catboy here I'm quite shy and I have no idea what I'm doing, new to RP, just started writing fanfiction again during the pandemic, but I'm having a grand ol time.
J'mhazi lives on Faerie right now - Hope to see you around! ◍